
The objective of the experiment was to prove that a correlation exists between the operation of a backpack strap and the physical concept of harmonic motion. The system analyzed is the strap of a backpack. The strap remains hanging vertically in an equilibrium position until it is manually displaced and then released. Upon release, the strap swings through the equilibrium position and oscillates around it. This system resembles a pendulum as the oscillation follows a swinging motion. The strap oscillates because of two forces. The first is the displacement force, which is manually taking the strap and displacing it from its equilibrium position. The second is the restoring force, which is gravity. Gravity causes the strap to swing and return to its equilibrium position. Due to these facts we assumed that the movement of the strap as it swung would be perfectly planar, but this ended up varying due to conditions surrounding the system. Note that the sign convention for this report maintains that up and to the right is positive.